Also keeping up with my last post’s theme is my new burgeoning friendship with Audria of Unity and Form. We met awhile ago, but it wasn’t until we shared a cab ride to party in a castle-themed Viking bar in Queens that I really got to know her. And then I read her blog. And yeah. There you go. I’m going to use this post and a few following that to highlight some bomb editorials that she’s posted because they’re beautiful and they need to be shared. Sorry for those of you who also follow my tumblr, but it’s my damn blog and I’ll do what I want.

So sit back and enjoy.

The following photos are from a 2009 editorial with photographer Daniel Jackson. I’m digging the nod to both punk pioneer Soo Catwoman (check the eye makeup) but also to the rockabilly, pyschobilly and horror movie set. Tell me you don’t see Elsa Lanchester’s Bride of Frankenstein in that two-toned swirl of a bouffant.